CEO & Partner
Dr. José López Rojas is Chief Executive Officer and founding Partner at JRO Derivatives, a financial risk and quantitative modeling consulting. He has extensive experience in hedging commodity and financial futures, option hedging, spreading, and speculating in futures and options, as well as trader in commodity futures and options such as oil, gold, interest rate, currency, and index futures.
Dr. José López Rojas considers that the futures and option industry sprang from the individual freedom and the private property order. It affects the lives of millions of people, although they may not be aware of its existence. It touches the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the energy they use for heat and transportation, and the material that gives them shelter, as well as their finances and investments.
Prior to joining JRO Derivatives, Dr. José López Rojas served as consultant for Coopers & Lybrand, Lloyds BankAsset Management as Financial Risk Director, Investment Banking, CABEI (Central American Bank for Economic Integration) as Comptroller overseeing about banking activities and investments.
He is Doctor of Finance from Walden University with an MBA from ICADE Business School, He holds an MSc of Stock Exchange and Financial Derivatives from UNED (Spanish open university) with a BA in International Business Administration from Lincoln University. He speaks Spanish, English and German.