Skip to main content the experience, build your futureSince 1992, the success of ISDE lies in an eminently practical training model that allows the incorporation of our students into the labor market with extensive experience.

What´s the difference between ISDE and other centers?

University centers

The training methodology of the postgraduate and masters is the same as that used in the “grados”: university teaching staff that provides a teaching service based on theoretical study and exams as a result.

ISDE Business Schoo

We are the only center created by the law firms themselves. Currently, we have the collaboration of more than 200 national and international firms that regularly participate in the development of our programs, a faculty composed of the best professionals in the sector and with an eminently practical training methodology as part of the program, which combines theory with a period of compulsory practices of full integration in the best firms, guided by a lawyer-tutor who is responsible for introducing them into the mechanics of work and the legal affairs of the firm. In this way, we guarantee that the contents that are taught respond to the real needs of the professional market.

ISDE Law & Business School, specialized in legal and economic training at the highest level, is also synonymous with internationality. We are the center with the largest number of foreign students. In addition, we offer master’s degree programs at prestigious universities such as Columbia, Oxford or Florida Gainesville, in which international teaching staff participate.Reasons to study at ISDEOf its prestige are echoed the main press, being referenced by the Financial Times and recognized by El Mundo as one of the best legal schools. Several programs selected as the best in specialized law, economic daily:

Mentions: La Razón ABC Expansión Derecho News Libertad Digital Informativo Jurídico

ISDE is the only spanish institution created by the law firms themselves, currently composed of more than 200 companies and law firms, participating in ISDE´s training programs worldwide.

The Official Masters for Access to the Legal Profession organized by ISDE and the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, is the only one that has obtained 100% pass rate in the final State exam. (Official data) ISDE effectively prepares official examinations, academic and professional certifications, obtaining in all of them excellent results by its students (final State exam of access to the legal profession, EFA Certification (European Financial Advisor), EFP (European Financial Planner), among others, TOLES , etc…

ISDE has a very high placement rate of students in major law firms, consultants and companies, thanks to the second phase of integration in internships and verging on 96%.

ISDE has signed cooperation agreements and provides joint programs together with national and international Universities (Columbia University, Florida Gainesville, Jindal Global University, Universidad Complutense, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Carlos III of Madrid).

Programs consist of an eminently practical first phase during which the Harvard method is applied and via actual cases that are analyzed. A second phase of real integration in large firms both national and international take place, with internships that will take place with practicing lawyers who are part of ISDE´s Faculty. These partners and lawyers of large firms will train and mentor the students with an essential objective of labor insertion into their teams.

Because ISDE´s international focus stands out due to teaching stays abroad. Also because its Faculty offers a wide range of training with teachers from 5 different continents and students from over 50 different nationalities.

TestimonialsApoorvi Jha
Master in International Law, Foreign Trade & International Relations

Beatriz Suárez
Master in  International Law

Carlota Laborda
Master in Tax Consultancy and specialization in International TaxationDiego Fernandez Maldonado
Master in International Law, Foreign Trade & International Relations
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