Assessment of merits
A. Selection Committee
For the 2021 call, the awards will be decided by a selection committee made up of representatives of the convening entities. These entities may, if deemed appropriate, invite other personalities to join the Selection Committee.
At the meeting where the award is discerned, a president and secretary will be elected among the members of the Selection Committee.
B. Aspects to be assessed by the Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will rate the quality of the work submitted and, specifically, that the topic developed is dealt with in the perspective of the chosen area, as well as, the formal correction and the methodology used.
The comparative study of the institution with other legislation will be valued, if requiered, as well as the participant’s ability to synthesize, its systematic presentation, the complexity of the selected topic and the research work carried out.
C. Final nature of the ruling
For each of the modalities, the decision of the award will be adopted through an agreement adopted by a simple majority of the members of the Selection Committee. In the event of a tie, the President may exercise a casting vote, although it may waive this right whenever it is possible to reach a ruling. Prizes may be declared void and will not be shared in any of its modalities.
The decision of the Selection Committee is final, and no appeal or claim of any form or nature against it is possible
D. Communication and dissemination of the ruling
The decision of the Selection Committee will be announced on September of 2021. Only the name of the winners will be made public and confidentiality will be kept regarding the rest of the candidates.
E. Acceptance of the rules
The simple presentation of applications will imply tacitly and expressly the acceptance of these rules.
F. Additional information.
Once the registration is formally completed, participants will be summoned by the different areas for the purposes of instructing and providing information on the procedure.