The opening ceremony of the ‘Master in International Law, Foreign Trade and International Relations’ 10th edition has taken place at ISDE’s headquarters in Madrid.
The event was chaired by Honorable Mr Juan José Sánchez Puig, Executive Director at ISDE, Mr Francisco Javier Silván, Co-Director of the Master and Ms Lucia Jaquotot, Assistant to the Co-Directors of the Master. They all gave some warm words of welcome to the new students.
Mr Francisco Javier Silván began his speech by welcoming the students and sharing with them three words, that in his opinion describe this Master: opportunity, proactivity and network <<You have at ISDE a good opportunity. Please, make the most of your time here. Try to be as proactive as possible and consider each class as a job interview, since the professors you will meet here, professional experts in their respective fields, may hire you in the future. Lastly, please, use this Master as your own professional network, the sooner you start the better.”
Immediately after, students shortly introduced themselves to the rest of the classmates and explained their expectations in relation to the Master. This edition of the program has gathered students from 11 different nationalities, which reinforces the international character of ISDE: Belgium, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Poland, France, Philippines, Spain and United States.
Then, Ms Pia Kohrs, former student of this Master of its 2015 edition, currently working at Rödl & Partner, the leading German law firm in Spain, shared her own experience with the students and gave them some pieces of advice regarding the program.
Lastly, Honorable Mr Juan José Sánchez Puig concluded this ceremony by addressing the students: <<First of all, I would like to specially congratulate all of you for having been admitted. This edition, Directors of this Master have been especially generous, since they have allowed this group to have more places available than ever, due to the high demand of the program and the high level of performance of the candidates. Notwithstanding this, many students have not been able to secure a position, despite having tried wholeheartedly. We expect you to be excellent students and work hard, as this is the beginning of your professional careers. ISDE will be supporting you during this important challenge>>.
We wish the students the greatest success and we welcome them to our great family.