Asia is the economic, political and cultural center of the 21st century. Europe, the USA and the rest of the regions cannot ignore their economic importance or their political and cultural influence at present. The United Kingdom, Italy, France and the Netherlands have a long tradition of business in Asia, for centuries. However, it is not the case of Spain.
Therefore, being able to establish and maintain business relationships in Asia should be a goal for any company or international organization, regardless of their activity, size or preferences.
Understanding the idiosyncrasies and essential elements shared by most Asian countries is essential to start and consolidate business in these markets. This implies that international leaders are not limited to superficial lists that gather a series of topics, which do not help them establish and maintain business relationships with countries in the Asian region.
Doing business in most countries in Asia requires managers and area managers to know what they should do, when and how they should do it. They should know how to start and continue their international expansion in Asia, as well as what they should avoid so as not to impede the fluid development of business relationships.
In this seminar the essentials will be transmitted that all responsible of a company or organization must know to achieve success in its expansion in Asia, as well as what to do and avoid. What is usual and appropriate in a Spanish, European or North American environment can be detrimental in doing business in Asia.
1. Understand the Asian idiosyncrasy: beyond the cookbooks.
2. Understand the essential aspects shared by business relationships in Asia.
3. Doing business in Asia: what, when, how and where?
4. Actions and appropriate behaviors in the business environment in Asia.
5. What should be avoided so as not to break business relationships.
The seminar is aimed at postgraduates, managers and professionals.
Date: December 13th, 2018.
Duration: 4 hours, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: In ISDE, Calle Serrano 208
Biographical review: Gloria García, Ph.D.
• PhD in Economics, specializing in International Asian Businesses and Honorary Distinction for the research “Japanese Culture and Thought in the International Business Negotiation”, Japan.
• President of CIIRA, International Center for Research and Relations of Asia ISDE
• Visiting Researcher of the ISS (Shaken), of the University of Tokyo.
• Author of several publications and researcher participating in international conferences
• International expert in Japan and Asia, competitive differentiating strategy, intercultural negotiation, strategic management. He has collaborated with the Elcano Royal Institute and the EU-Japan Center in Brussels.
• Director and professor of the Master in International Business Management of ICADE B.S. (2003-2016)
• Director of Culture in Business Week, held in China (2006-2009).
• Director of International Strategy at Alcatel Telecom and IDE at ACEX.
• President of the International Commission, College of Economists of Madrid (1996-2008)
• Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Economists of Madrid (1998-2008)
Places limited by strict order of registration
Tuition fee: € 60.00