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ISDE undergraduate, also a leader in technology

3 November, 2015

In education, as in almost all other fields, the end goals have not changed. What has changed, however, are the methods and tools used to meet these goals.

With planes available, who would choose to go to China in a caravan, as Marco Polo did? It might be romantic, but not very efficient.

In education, as in almost all other fields, the end goals have not changed. What has changed, however, are the methods and tools used to meet these goals.

With planes available, who would choose to go to China in a caravan, as Marco Polo did? It might be romantic, but not very efficient.

ISDE, with this idea in mind, has become the first Spanish university to offer its undergraduate programme in law using the most advanced pedagogical technology from Samsung. This technology is used to facilitate a unique educational method, which bridges the gap between the theoretical and practical.

In advance of the general presentation to be made at the SIMO Technology for Teaching fair in Madrid, since the month of September, our undergraduate students have been working with this tool; the perfect vehicle for transmitting knowledge.

In this way, not only is their education improved, but, in collaboration with the most important law firms, they become familiar with the tools and work methods that will allow them to give better service to their future clients.

In this way, the most advanced resources are available to our students and teachers so that they can better and more quickly reach their goals.

Our goals have not changed. For this reason, we work to improve our means to achieve them.

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