ISDE professor Gabriel Mª de Diego Quevedo has taken office as dean of the Illustrious College of Solicitors of Madrid (ICPM), as well as the members of the Governing Board of the institution.
After swearing in office, De Diego assured that “this is a new stage for the Solicitors.” Justice does not have colors: it is just justice. Then, Yolanda Ibarrola, Director General of Justice of the Community of Madrid, defined the prosecutors as “the stable couple you want to have by your side,” and expressed her “joy at the outcome of the elections held, fruit not only of the program, but also of the work already shown.” Ibarrola ended her speech recognizing the start-up of the ICPM’s Procedural Representation Service.
The event, which was chaired by outgoing dean Argimiro Vázquez Guillén, brought together many authorities, including the President of the National Court, José Ramón Navarro Miranda; the President of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, Manuel Marchena Gómez; the President of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, Francisco Vieira Morante; the Superior Prosecutor of the Community of Madrid, Jesús Caballero Klink; the dean judge of the First Court of Instance and Instruction, Antonio Viejo Llorente; and the President of the General Council of Attorneys, Juan Carlos Estévez.
Gabriel Mª de Diego took over as dean after winning the elections held on April 25th to achieve a little over 70% of the vote. From a census of 2,183 voters, between practitioners and non-professionals, with the right to vote in the elections held, 38.20 % participated. After the scrutiny, the Electoral Board declared winner of the candidacy led by the professor in the ISDE Master in Litigation and composed of: Mª del Rocío Sampere Meneses (Vice Dean), Manuel Fco. Ortiz de Apodaca García (Secretary), Ignacio Melchor Oruña (Vice-secretary), Ignacio Argos Linares (Treasurer), Ángel Luis Mesas Peiró (Accountant), and the vocalists Alberto García Barrenechea, Marta Franch Martínez, Noel de Dorremochea Guiot, Antonio A. Sánchez-Jáuregui Warden, Mª del Carmen Giménez Cardona, Pilar Azorín-Albiñana López, Mª. Teresa de Donesteve and Velázquez-Gaztelu, María Granizo Palomeque, María Pardillo Landeta and Álvaro Ignacio García Gómez.