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Tribute to Mr. Luis Martí Mingarro, ex Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid

29 September, 2010

Antonio Hernández-Gil, current Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid, reunited professional colleagues, Judges, Lawyers and other personalities from the politics and academic environment… to pay tribute to Luis Martí Mingarro, for his professional work while he was the Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid between 1992 and 2007.

Antonio Hernández-Gil, current Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid, reunited professional colleagues, Judges, Lawyers and other personalities from the politics and academic environment… to pay tribute to Luis Martí Mingarro, for his professional work while he was the Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid between 1992 and 2007.

ISDE wanted to be present on the event, celebrated at the Real Club Casino of Madrid. The Chancellor of ISDE, Dr. José Juan Pintó Ruiz, ex Dean fo the Bar Association of Barcelona, alongside with Dr. Manuel Jiménez de Parga, ex President of the Spanish High Court, and Dr. Eugenio Gay Montalvo, Judge of the Spanish High Court, both members of the Board of Governors of ISDE, and the President, the Director of the Senior Management Team and the Executive Director of ISDE, amongst others, attended to this memorable tribute.

José Iturmendi Morales, ex Dean of the Faculty of Law of Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM), on behalf of the academic professional world, along with Carlos Carnicer Díez, President of the Spanish General Law Committee and Antonio Hernández-Gil, current Dean of the Bar Association of Madrid, on behalf of the Legal professional world, gave a speech to thank to Mr. Martí, for the service given and the great job done as a law defender.

Plenty of friends and work colleagues got reunited to show their gratitude and recognition to Mr. Martí for all the hard work done over the past few years. Javier Díez-Hochleitner, ex Dean of the Faculty of Law of Universidad Autónoma of Madrid and ex vice director of the legal matters of the Spanish foreign department, the Spanish general attorney, judges, politicians such as Francisco Álvarez Cascos, ex vice President of the Government or José María Álvarez del Manzano, ex Mayor of Madrid, amongst others, went to the tribute and dinner afterwards.

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