Lawyer and audiovisual producer
Lawyer, member of the Madrid Bar Association (ICAM), independent audiovisual producer and member of the Spanish Association of Entertainment Law (DENAE). He is a professor in the Master in International Business Law at the University of Business and International Studies (UBIS) of Geneva in Myanmar and has taught in the Master of the Electricity Sector of Icade-ICAI.
With his own office, Audipasa Boutique de Negocios, he has worked in the Ministry of the Interior, the energy law office Estudio Jurídico Internacional López-Ibor Mayor (EJI), the Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid and the Czech Chamber of Arbitration. He holds a Master’s in Business Law from the Francisco de Vitoria University and ICAM, a Master’s in Business and Energy Law from the REPSOL Foundation and a Master’s in International Law from ISDE, in collaboration with Columbia University, NY. Óscar has developed courses at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, the Mc George School of Law, University of the Pacific, California, and William & Mary University, Virginia, USA.